Within this blog, we will discuss and recommend downloadable Open Source Windows based software you can download that will save money, support the Open Source initiative (through use), and make us more productive.

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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Blender - Open Source 3D Rendering and Wireframe Model Development

Hold on to your hats game devleopers! Blender is an Open Source alternative to Caligari TrueSpace ($80) and AutoDesk Maya ($1,999). From what I have seen, Blender's functionality fits somewhere inbetween TrueSpace and Maya. Blender can be used for game graphics development or rendered video development (think "Toy Story", "Robots", and "The Incredibles"), in addition to developing unique web graphics and logos. Blender offers exceptional raytracing quality for both Windows and Linux. For those seeking to instantiate a 3D graphics shop like that of Pixar, this means that once a graphics video concept is developed in a Windows environment, the real number crunching to produce it can occur on a Linux cluster, enabling it to be produced more rapidly. Gotta love it!

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