Within this blog, we will discuss and recommend downloadable Open Source Windows based software you can download that will save money, support the Open Source initiative (through use), and make us more productive.

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Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Audacity - Open Source Sound File Editor

Audacity is an application that is an alternative to Sonic Foundry Sound Forge ($350). It has a variety of effects, sound filters and editing tools that help edit captured laptop mic input as well as a wide variety of sound file formats.

I have used this application for many purposes, to add and edit sound to PowerPoint presentations, capture and edit recordings from my digital voice recorder, combine and edit different sound samples together. I have used it to produce mp3's converting from different kinds of sound files and even use it to custom create cell phone ring tones (for mp3. ring tone phones) with your favorite music, avoiding the shiesters who charge you 99 cents for 5 seconds of audio. This is truly a must have application!

Download Now

Web Site

Note: To save to MP3, you must also install another Open Source package, the LAME MP3 encoder - Download Now

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