Within this blog, we will discuss and recommend downloadable Open Source Windows based software you can download that will save money, support the Open Source initiative (through use), and make us more productive.

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Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Open Office - Open Source Business Productivity Suite

Unhappy that you now have to pay for another flavor of MS Office Pro? Does this pain in your side hit you every 3-4 years? Now is the time to begin using Open Office. Open Office is a free alternative to MS Office ($349). It is Microsoft file format compatable and contains the Open Office Writer (alternative to MS Word), Open Office Calc (alternative to MS-Excel), Open Office Impress, (alternative to MS-PowerPoint), Open Office Base (alternative to MS-Access), Open Office Draw (alternative to MS-Visio and Open Office Math (an advanced mathematical equation editor that is non-existent in MS-Office). Open Office, unlike Microsoft Office, is free, will contunue to be free, and is updated freely on a more frequent basis. Use it at home, roll it out across your enterprise. Save money. It works!






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