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Tuesday, March 4, 2008

qvPDF - Open Source PDF Creator

qvPDF is a PDF creator for Windows. It is an alternative to Adobe Acrobat ($97). For those who may not know Adobe Reader does not create PDFs, it only reads them. With qvPDF, one can create PDF's without buying Adobe Acrobat. It's implemented as printer driver and uses plugins to execute different actions after creating the PDF. Processing parameters can be written directly into the printed document like: @|mapi.mailto=me@you.de|@.

To help install this, you will need to first install GhostScript. GhostScript displays, prints and coverts PostScript and PDF Files.

Download Now

Once downloaded, you will need to go through the system check, and double click other elements that need to be installed.

The website for this one is in German, but can be located Here. A better reference can be found at SourceForge Here.

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